20 Things I’ve Learned In My 20s

By: Victoria Clark

  1. Call your parents 📞.

  2. Trust in God or SOMETHING greater than yourself, it’ll help give you perspective at the very least. 📿

  3. Keep in touch and check in with your friends, no matter how crazy things may be - you never know the difference it makes on their day/life. 👭

  4. Being “normal” is underrated and boring. Be proud of your heritage, your story, your life and remember that everyone has their own personal struggles - 9/10 if you saw the inner workings of other people’s lives, you would think twice about trading yours. 🌎

  5. Don’t be a follower. Educate yourself and stand for your beliefs.✊🏾

  6. Hate ages you and is a joy sucker even when you don’t know it. 🤝

  7. Try your best to keep a journal. It can be a pain but you’ll never regret looking back at how you’ve evolved. S/O to Allswell. ✍️

  8. If you aren’t into the guy/girl you are seeing, don’t force it, it’ll catch up to you. 💛

  9. Karma is real and she’s a huge b*tch. Like everything - what goes around comes around - maybe not today, tomorrow, or next year, but it will. So be a good person.✌️

  10. Dogs are exemplary figures for us to learn from their loyalty, unconditional love, and living life to the fullest. 🐕

  11. Listen to good music. And by good music, we mean good music. 🎶

  12. Don’t give in to peer pressure, it’ll only piss you off if you succumb to what you don’t want to do. ⛔️

  13. Plants really make your life better and teach you how to care for living things. 🪴

  14. Being alone is important. “When you’re alone, you have time to know who you are. When you’re always with others, you’re just a product of the other people in your life. Sometimes you need to distance yourself from others, it will make you a better person.” - Darius Foroux 🙍🏾

  15. Never assume anything. Always dig deeper and question the headlines. 📰

  16. Rejection is God’s protection. Believe that. 🧿

  17. When it comes to love, heartbreak is essential and unavoidable - wait for the right person. I’ve found that those most special in my life (significant others and friends) are those who have dealt with hardship. It makes us wiser. 💔

  18. Grind as hard as you can so you can begin reaping the rewards in your 30’s. 👨🏻‍💻

  19. Be good to your body - work out, sleep well, take care of your skin, and think twice about your substance intake consumption. You won’t regret it. 💤🏋️‍♀️

  20. Everyone’s path is different. You’ll see a lot of weddings, babies, breakups, moves, new friends over the course of the years, but remember your path is yours and it is unique. You are the key to happiness. What is meant for you will find you. ☀️


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